Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!

We are so lucky to have such a great Daddy! Today we helped celebrate him! When we woke up in the morning, Mommy didn't have enough time to help us make breakfast for him, so we ran out to McDonald's and picked up the "Big Breakfast" so he could have breakfast in bed. After he ate, we all got ready and went to church. On special days in our house (Birthdays, Father's Day, Mother's Day) who ever we are celebrating gets to be the "king" (or "queen"!) for the day. King Daddy decided after church that he wanted to go and check out the new P.C. Richards in town. It's kind of like a Sears. We went home after a little shopping there and snuggled in Mommy and Daddy's bed to finish watching "The Explorers". King Daddy wanted to play some Wii after that so we spent the rest of the afternoon watching him play and playing some together too. We also gave Daddy some presents!! My special gift to him was a "pinch pot" that I made in art class at school and Emerson picked out a honey dipper that he knew he would love! At the end of the afternoon we headed over to Poppop Ladd's house to help him celebrate too! We cooked out over there and even played in the creek behind their house. Mommy had to give us baths before we could go home! It was a really nice day.

Thank you Daddy for being such a good role model for us. Thank you for loving Mommy so much and showing us how to be good husbands one day. Thank you for playing games with us. Thank you for working so hard to make sure we have yummy food on our table and nice warm beds. Thank you for teaching us math and for reading Harry Potter to us. Thank you for helping us to become smart, independant boys. We are truly thankful for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful sentiments! Sounds like you're having lots of fun in CT. Miss you, Michelle Brubaker