Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping in Rhode Island

Today we decided to pack up our truck and head to Patchaug State Park to camp. It took a few hours to get there, but we finally found the park. However, it was the first really nice and sunny day, so the parks were completely full of campers. We eventually found a little campground just over the border of CT into RI called "Oak Embers" to set up camp. Once we had our tent set up, Mommy and Daddy took us over to swim in the pool. It was pretty cold so we didn't stay in it very long. After swimming, we changed and got our fire started. Daddy taught us how to start a campfire with just flint and steel! We got to help him blow into it to get the flame started. After the fire was going strong, it was time to make my marshmellow stick. I used my own pocket knife and sharpened the stick all by myself! I used my marshmellow stick to help cook my hotdog over the fire on the grate that Daddy has. Daddy also taught us how to open a can (I did the can of baked beans and Em did a can of peas!) with a pocket knife. After we ate, we could hear a storm coming so we really quickly roasted a couple of marshmellows before getting into our tent. As it turned out, it was really hard rain and even hail so our tent flooded. Plus our air mattress went we had to sleep in our car! It was still really fun though because we got to snuggle and watch Harry Potter together before we fell asleep. In the morning we had a pretty hard time getting our fire going again, but we eventually managed. We ate breakfast and then Mommy had Em and I wash the dishes under a spigot. We packed up our things and headed for home. We stopped in Niantic, CT and walked along the boardwalk there. It was a nice walk until Emerson got a blister on his foot from his new Crocs. It was a great trip, even though it wasn't the most perfect weather! Hopefully the next time we go it will be a little nicer! ha ha!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strawberry Picking

This morning Mommy took us to Jones Family Farms in Shelton, CT to pick strawberries. We got to take a ride on the Berry Ferry out to a field to pick them. When we got out to the field someone assigned us a row and we picked down the row until our basket was full. Mommy says that she thinks we both ate more than we picked! haha!! When we got home we made chocolate covered strawberries, strawberry shortcake, and 8 jars of strawberry jelly! We LOVE strawberries!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last Day of Kindergarten!

That's right! I'm a big 1st grader now!! I also got a great report card today so Mommy and Daddy told me I can pick a restaurant for us to go out to eat (something that Mommy's mom and dad used to let her do!). I picked Japanese (hibachi) so this week we are going to eat at Abis in Greenwich on Daddy's lunch break. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!

We are so lucky to have such a great Daddy! Today we helped celebrate him! When we woke up in the morning, Mommy didn't have enough time to help us make breakfast for him, so we ran out to McDonald's and picked up the "Big Breakfast" so he could have breakfast in bed. After he ate, we all got ready and went to church. On special days in our house (Birthdays, Father's Day, Mother's Day) who ever we are celebrating gets to be the "king" (or "queen"!) for the day. King Daddy decided after church that he wanted to go and check out the new P.C. Richards in town. It's kind of like a Sears. We went home after a little shopping there and snuggled in Mommy and Daddy's bed to finish watching "The Explorers". King Daddy wanted to play some Wii after that so we spent the rest of the afternoon watching him play and playing some together too. We also gave Daddy some presents!! My special gift to him was a "pinch pot" that I made in art class at school and Emerson picked out a honey dipper that he knew he would love! At the end of the afternoon we headed over to Poppop Ladd's house to help him celebrate too! We cooked out over there and even played in the creek behind their house. Mommy had to give us baths before we could go home! It was a really nice day.

Thank you Daddy for being such a good role model for us. Thank you for loving Mommy so much and showing us how to be good husbands one day. Thank you for playing games with us. Thank you for working so hard to make sure we have yummy food on our table and nice warm beds. Thank you for teaching us math and for reading Harry Potter to us. Thank you for helping us to become smart, independant boys. We are truly thankful for you!

Monday, June 15, 2009

T-Ball Pics

We got my t-ball pictures in the mail today and thought I'd share.....aren't I cute?!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I fell asleep Mom....

Well Daddy is gone this weekend on his motorcycle trip with the guys to Lake Placid, NY, so Mommy thought it'd be fun to have a movie night. We watched The Flight of the Navigator and it was really good! After the movie it was past our bed time so we brushed our teeth and went to the potty and got in bed. After laying there for about 5 minutes, I decided I needed to potty again so I got back up. After several minutes of sitting on the potty, I got back up, looked in at Mommy in her room and said, "I'm going back to bed took me longer this time because I kind of fell asleep on the potty." Bet she wished she could have gotten that on camera!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Day of School for Emerson

Today was Emerson's last day in Miss Mary's 3's class at First Step Christian Day School. Mommy got to go and watch him sing and then have lunch with him. Next year he will be in Miss Rosie's class, who was my teacher when I was 4. He's gonna have a great time in there! But for now....on to summer break!