Saturday, November 14, 2009

Getting Us On Track

Mommy has been struggling with us lately for two different reasons. First of all, I'm not a fan of homework. I know that no one is, but I'm really not. So every night, Mommy has to have a fight with me over getting it done and she says she's not doing that any more. Second of all, Mommy and Daddy are always trying to get Emerson to eat his dinner. For whatever reason, Emerson has decided that everything Mom gives us to eat is either "yucky" or has "yucky stuff on it". There have been more times than we can count where he goes to bed hungry at night. So again, she says she is finished fighting with him over it. SO, to help us get on track she made us each a chart this weekend. Everytime I come home and do my homework neatly and without complaining, I get a sticker. And every night Emerson eats his dinner until he is full and without complaining (or coaxing from Mom and Dad), he gets a sticker. When our charts are full, Mom will give us each $20 and we can pick out whatever we want at Toys 'R Us. So far so good!

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