Thursday, December 6, 2007

Harrison's 1st Emergency Room Visit

Today I fell on the playground at school. I was going up the steps to the slide and tripped and split open my chin. My teacher, Miss Rosie, called Mommy at home and she came in to look at it and see if I needed stitches. When she got there I showed her my boo-boo and she gave me a high five because I made it 4 and a half years without having to go to the ER! I didn't cry much when I fell, but when Mommy told me I had to leave school I cried. She asked me why and I told her it was because I wanted to stay at school for Lunch Bunch. She told me that if we were quick, we might be able to run and get it fixed and make it back in time for the end of Lunch Bunch. We went to the ER and the nurse put a magic cotton ball on my chin for about 15 minutes and then I couldn't feel anything they did to it. I was really brave and didn't cry or whine one bit! The doctor gave me 1 stitch under the skin and 5 outside. I even made it back in time for the end of Lunch Bunch!

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