Saturday, May 23, 2009

The 6 Month Cycle of the ER continues....just a little overdue.

This week we went to the NJ shore to celebrate Emma's 4th birthday. We drove down to Aunt Georgi and Uncle Jon's house after Daddy was finished with work on Thursday night and then on Friday morning we went to the shore. Friday night Mommy tucked me into bed on the top bunk in the trailer. She and Daddy were sure that I'd be fine if I slept with my head in the cubby hole half of the bunk. Turns out they were wrong. At about 6:30am I fell from the top bunk, about 4 ft., flat onto the floor. I cried right away and Mommy jumped up to get me. I got into bed with her and Daddy and she thought I was fine. At about 8am I started crying about my head hurting....I told Mommy it was the outside of my head so she thought it was just were the side of my head hit the floor. A couple minutes later I started complaining of the inside of my head hurting. Mommy woke up Daddy and told him that she was taking me to the ER to get checked out...."better safe then sorry," she said. Daddy helped open the car to get me in and when he did he accidentally whacked me in the head again! Sheesh! About halfway to the hospital (it's about a 10 minute ride), I told Mommy that I thought I was going to be sick. That's when Mommy got really nervous. When we got to the hospital Mommy took me out of the car and I was really pale and my lips were white. She took me inside and luckily there was no one else waiting. They took me right back and started and IV line. They let Mommy ride on the bed with me as they took me back to the CT machine. They put me in before the man that was waiting there because I looked so lethargic and pale. A few minutes later, the scan was done and the doctor came in to tell Mommy that the initial look at it was fine. WHEW! They did a few x-rays of my head and neck to check those out and then gave me 2 doses of a drug called Zofran because I was still pretty nauseaus. I eventually fell asleep and they kept an eye on my breathing and heart rate and when I woke up I was back to my old self so they let us go home with a diagnosis of a "bad concussion". I told Mommy that I was really hungry and that I really wanted some eggs and bacon, but the doctor told us to steer clear of anything heavy so it was popsicles and jello for me for the day. Bummer! ha ha! Mommy was supposed to wake me up every 4 hours that night to check on me, but it turned out that I was up about 3 times to pee so she didn't have to. The next day, all was well and I rode my bicycle right into the stop sign. My Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to take it easy on my head....I better start listening! :) I was last in the ER for stitches in my head in August of 2008, so by Mommy's calculations, I was about 3 months overdue!