Sunday, February 26, 2012

16 & 17 weeks

Last weekend was so busy, so I didn't get a chance to post a picture. It was even a 3 day weekend. Lol. We spent all of Saturday out and about town running errands. Sunday was spent cleaning (which takes way longer in 4,000 sq ft than it did in 1000 sq ft!) and we also finished up a lot of things around here that needed to get done....curtains hung, pictures hung, etc. That night we had a few people from Kevin's work, and their families, over for dinner. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it again! On Monday, since we felt guilty for not having had much time to focus on the boys, we decided to drive over to Mahoney State Park to check out the indoor soft playground. The building with the play area was actually closed until 4pm when we got there so we drove through the rest of the park to check it out...we even stopped for some hot cocoa in the lodge. Since we still had a couple of hours to kill until the play area opened, we drove next door and checked out the Strategic Air & Space Museum. The boys, especially Harrison, totally dug the museum! It had 2 hangars packed with various Air Force air craft including a SR-71 Blackbird (famous for being able to go faster than a bullet!) and a B-52 Bomber. They had a section dedicated to space where they learned the difference between meteors and asteroids....Emerson thought this was pretty cool. Once we made it though the museum, it was time to head back to the park. For an entrance fee of $2/person, we all got to go into the soft play area. Of course Kevin and I really just sat and watched the boys, but you couldn't beat the price to allow the kids to run and climb and burn off some pent up energy! They even have a covered ice rink, though we didn't skate this time. Emerson had such a good time that he's declared this is here he wants to have his birthday party next month!

Here's my 16 week picture. Overall feeling good though I think I really overdid it on Sunday.

This week was definitely more low key. No travel for Kevin and not much going on for me. Still no news on the job front, but I'm hoping to hear something not this week but the next. *Crossing fingers* I'm feeling more movements this week, but still nothing Kevin or the boys could feel. Although, Kevin says while I was sleeping one night, he had his hand on my belly and he could feel something going on.....whether that be baby or gas, he wasn't sure. Lol! We started throwing around some more names today. This is going to be much harder this time around! The only names that Kevin & the boys have offered up have either been from cartoon characters (Phineas, Ferb, Perry) or just plain mean (Evil has come up more than once). Needless to say, this I'm thankful we still have another 23 weeks to decide on a "short list"! Anyway, here's my pic from today at 17 weeks. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday afternoon, so I should get to hear that sweet, sweet heartbeat again. I'll fill you in on the appointment with my next weekly update. :)

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