Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do you LIKE to hear me cry?

This morning, while Mommy and Daddy were getting out of bed, I was pushing my brother on the steps. They are always telling us not to play on the steps, not to push each other, and that they are for going up and down only. Well, I conveniently forget this sometimes, just like this morning. SO, what does Daddy do? He spanked my bottom! I looked right at him and said, "Why do you spank me? Do you LIKE to hear me cry?!" They both thought something was funny, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm Almost Ready for Kindergarten!

Tonight Mommy took me to my new school for kindergarten registration. Next year I'll be going to Marvin Elementary School. After Mommy finished all of my paperwork, she took me through the school to show me a little. I got to see the basketball hoops in the big gym, the library where I'll get to check out books, and even got to peek into the 4 kindergarten classrooms. Mommy said that she'll take us to the playground out back sometime soon! I'm so excited to go to kindergarten! I'll even get to take the bus to school!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Well, today's Easter started nice and early for Mommy and Daddy when Emerson woke them up with a sore tummy. Poor guy was sick to his stomach all over Mommy in their bed. But I woke up and went right to putting on my new Easter clothes for church! Then I went and put on my headlamp that Aunt Betsey and Uncle David gave me to go on my search for my Easter basket and the Easter eggs that the bunny hid from me. He must know that I'm a big 4 year old because he got pretty sneaky this year! Since Em wasn't feeling well, I found ALL of the eggs that he hid. Mommy and I left for church and when we finished, Daddy and Emerson (who was back to his old self again!) met us at Mommom Lenor and Poppop Ladd's house for brunch and more Easter activities! They gave us each a plastic egg they told us that the Easter bunny left for us. Inside of the eggs were little picture clues that eventually led us to our Easter baskets! After that, Elisa came over and we had an Easter egg hunt down by the pond. By this point, Mommy and Daddy were really hungry, so they ate brunch with Mommom and Poppop while we played a little. When brunch was over, we all went on a hike through their backyard up to Juice Rock, Kit's Bridge, the rock wall, and all then circled back. It was Mommy's first time to see the trails and she really LOVED it!! Once we got back, we got to eat the cake that they made for Emerson's was a whole train!! Emerson ate the engine (of course!) and I got to eat the one with the gobstopper candy in it! It was soooo yummy! After all of this, we came home, took naps, and Mommy made a yummy Easter dinner for us. What a day!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Today was Emerson's 3rd birthday! Mommy asked him when he woke up this morning how old he was and he said, "I'm tw---, I'M THREE! I'm big now!!" Now he wants to put his clothes on all by himself so he can be big like me! I wasn't feeling very well, so he had to come with me to the doctor, but then Mommy took us to McDonald's for lunch. Then Poppop Ladd, Mommom Lenor, Aunt Bestey and Uncle David came over for pizza and cake! Mommy even made me a Thomas the Tank Engine cake! Em got lots of presents and had such a great time (even though I was sick in Mommy and Daddy's bed). Mommy and Daddy gave Em a new Thomas big boy bike so we can ride together this summer!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yesterday I made breakfast for the whole family. My Daddy can't have milk because he is lactose intolerant, so I left the milk off of his Cheerios and instead of water I gave him another drink that I know he likes. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me!